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From Bulk Packaging to tailored solutions

Our bulk packaging solutions have been designed to meet the requirements of large-scale kitchens, hotels, retail, catering and the food industry. In addition to our consumer-sized packaging options, we offer larger packages ranging from 2.5 kg to 10 kg. We can also package our products in bottles (0.5 L to 1.0 L), dip containers (35 ml to 50 ml), and industrial-sized IBC containers. These bottles are versatile and suitable for salad bars or table condiments, while our dips can complement a variety of dishes.

JK-Tuoretalo also produces various mayo-based fillings. Jesse Fillings are a cost-effective solution to aid snack products (filled baguettes, buns, triangle sandwiches, wraps, sushi). The fillings offer multiple meat, fish, chicken, and vegetable options.

We also produce private label products.